Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures for Students who are in Need of Sacraments:

Parents of students preparing for the sacraments are required to participate in the preparation provided by the parish. The preparation for the sacraments is ongoing, and students are expected to attend classes before and after they have received their sacraments.

For students who are six years of age or below, baptism may be administered by the priest or deacon upon the request of the parents with instructions given to the parents at a session before the sacrament is administered. Students should be enrolled in the grade that they are presently in school.

For students seven years of age through high school, the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and holy communion will be administered at Easter Vigil as part of the R.C.I.A. These students should be enrolled in Faith Formation classes in the grade they attend in regular school for a period of two years before they receive the sacraments. The decision to permit these students to receive the sacraments will be made by the pastor, teacher and CCD coordinator at the appropriate time. During their preparation periods, special sacramental catechesis will be given in addition to their regular Faith Formation classes. In the case of a high school student, he/she will attend a special high school class provided by the parish.

For all students, Faith Formation classes are offered from Kindergarten through High School. Students are expected to attend class each year, whether they are receiving a sacrament that year or not. Regular attendance at Mass and regular reception of the sacraments must be a priority for all Catholics.